A new website in record time for the Platform for the support of disadvantaged groups
Coronavirus. A topic that has occupied the entire media space in recent weeks. However, it is important to choose the relevant information from such a varied online offer.
PPZZS (Platforma na podporu zdravia znevýhodnených skupín) je práve stránkou, ktorá disponuje hodnotnými aktualizovanými informáciami o momentálnej situácii, vysvetľuje postupy pre boj s vírusom, dôležité pravidlá, ktorých sa treba držať a pod.
PPZZS (Platform for the Support of the Disadvantaged Groups) is a site that has valuable updated information on the current situation, explains the procedures for combating the virus, important rules to be followed, etc.
The client’s request was to modernize the site, appealing design and easy access to up-to-date information about COVID-19.
We were looking for a solution that combines all the client’s requirements with the quality of service in time pressure. We’ve been able to turn the web into a fully functional, clearer and aesthetically appealing version where everyone can find the information they need right away.
Realization of the project took place within a few days of the approval of the new visual.
In the future, we will be working with the association to fine-tune language mutations, as the first step was to keep the site running in the Slovak version.