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Other social networks management

For each social network, we adjust content and communication to profiles for individual networking needs and goals. Each client also has different requirements and a different target audience, so it is advisable to combine several different social networks to maximize the company’s growth. Favourite is Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, or LinkedIn.

Do you feel overloaded by all the social media? We’ll make it easier for you.

Správa instagramu


Managing of Instagram business profile. Creating and regularly adding posts, photos, videos. Regular statistics and campaign evaluation. Working with existing fans, creating a new loyal fan base.

Správa LinkedIn


Managing of business profile. Creating and adding posts to reach potential collaborators, employees, or clients.

Správa youtube


Creating and managing a business YouTube channel that is a good complement to other social networks and online marketing activities.

Online marketing a reklama


Need help with other social networks like Pinterest, Twitter, or Snapchat? We also have something to offer you in this area of specification.

Need help managing your social networks?

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